- 系所:高雄醫學大學醫學系公共衛生學科
- Email:p915013@kmu.edu.tw
- 電話:(07)312-1101 ext. 2773
- 使用的分析軟體:SAS、version 9.4
- 資料庫相關的發表論文:
- Yang YC, Tu HP, Hong CH, et al. Female gender and acne disease are jointly and independently associated with the risk of major depression and suicide: a national population-based study. Biomed Res Int 2014;2014:504279.
- Tu FY, Lin GT, Lee SS, Tung YC, Tu HP, Chiang HC. Prevalence of gout with comorbidity aggregations in southern Taiwan. Joint Bone Spine 2015;82:45-51.